Greenfield Primary School

Greenfield Primary School

Try our best, to be the best we can

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Cherry Tree Street, Hoyland, Barnsley S74 9RG


pizza tasting

pizza tasting

Our school Councillors had an important to do.

They were asked to try some new ideas for school dinners.

"The Calzoni was my favourite."

First they tried hummus with carrot sticks and pitta bread.

At first some of the children said they didn't like hummus but after trying it they changed their mind.

"I wasn't keen on the mouse shaped one because it tasted a bit bland."

"I loved the vegetable one , it had red onion on and was really tasty."

Then they were asked to try different types of pizza.her are some of their comments...

"The pepperoni one was nice because it was spicy."

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