Greenfield Primary School

Greenfield Primary School

Try our best, to be the best we can

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Cherry Tree Street, Hoyland, Barnsley S74 9RG


Lunch Time

Lunch Time

All of our pupils in FS2, KS1 and KS2 are offered a nutritious hot school meal daily which is eaten in our dining hall. Pupils order their dinner choice daily in classrooms and the menu choices run on a three week cycle.  Menu options can be seen on the SchoolComms app and lunches can be ordered up to two weeks in advance.  Please do pre-order your child's lunches using the app if you can.

Each morning, children put their packed lunch onto their class trolley and indicate that they have a packed lunch on the dinner register.  Children who bring a packed lunch also sit in the dining hall with their peers although during warmer periods, our KS2 children are able to eat on our tables outside if they wish.

All pupils in FS2 and KS1 are entitled to a free school meal. Once in KS2, to receive free school meals you will need to apply using this form.

Pupils in EYFS and KS1 have a separate playtime to pupils in KS2 for breaktimes and are supervised by our lunchtime supervisors. A member of our senior leadership team will also be on duty on both playgrounds at some point of the lunch period.

We have Y6 sports leaders who set up and play games with children on the KS1 and KS2 playground daily.  These children have been trained by Mr Clayton who is a teacher from Total Sport and works in school on a Tuesday delivering PE sessions in EYFS, one of our Y3/4 classes and one of our Y5/6 classes using our REAL PE scheme.


Lunchtime Supervisors 

Mr M Nowland, Mrs S Rodgers, Mrs H Ogden, Mrs M Utley, Mrs E Hayward and Miss T Jepson


Kitchen Staff

Mrs Caroline Lewis (cook), Mrs Margaret Hinchliffe and Mrs Dawn Short


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