Greenfield Primary School

Greenfield Primary School

Try our best, to be the best we can

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Cherry Tree Street, Hoyland, Barnsley S74 9RG


Lovely Lions 2022 - 2023

Lovely Lions 2022 - 2023

Year 1 & FS2

Miss Crowley, Mrs Hall (Tuesday morning), Mrs Brown (mornings), Mrs Patel, Mrs Jepson and Mrs Pudlich (afternoons).


Book bags

Please bring book bags every day including reading journals and RWI books.



Our library day is Wednesday, please return both library book and the green reading journal. Your child will then be able to choose a new book. 



Children have homework every week. The maths homework will be given out every alternate Friday (Y1) and needs returning Monday. The reading journal will be given out every alternate Wednesday's with your library book and needs returning Monday also. Children will be rewarded with dojo's when they have completed their homework. 



Our PE days are Tuesdays. Please bring kits in every week, the kits should include a plain white t-shirt and green or black PE shorts. All jewellery must be removed or covered up with plasters on PE days. 


Forest School

Our forest day is Thermal Thursday each week. Please bring suitable forest clothing in a bad. The children will then get changed in school. 



 A weekly contribution of £1 helps us ensure we have a variety of foods for snack and baking, including hot chocolate and a biscuit in forest around the fire pit!

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